Rectangular Embossing Stamp 2,5x5,1 cm

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Customized dry stamp (2.5x5.1 cm): Leave an elegant and long-lasting impression on paper and cardboard with this 2.5x5.1 cm dry stamp.

Available in 3 formats: rectangular 2,5x51 cm, round de ø4 cm and round de ø5 cm 

El segell en sec inclou la tenalla metàl·lica cromada, la pinça i el segell gravat en positiu i en negatiu per a crear una marca perfecta.

Custom embossing stamps are the perfect choice for stylishly marking paper and cardboard. With our various shapes and sizes, you can create an embossed or watermarked impression on documents, business cards, envelopes, books, art editions, and more.

Meticulously crafted to your specifications, our custom embossing stamps transform any image into a unique relief stamp. Please provide us with the following details:

  • Desired orientation for the mark.
  • Preference for embossed or debossed image.
  • Thickness of the paper or cardboard you wish to use.

Our commitment to quality drives us to use top-grade materials. With our expertise and state-of-the-art technology, we guarantee precise and professional results. Each order includes a clamp that houses two engraved stamps (positive and negative), ensuring a perfect fit. We also provide a metal and ergonomic clamp tool for easy usage. If you only require the engraved stamps without the clamp, we offer that option as well.

If you have any questions about our personalized dry seal service, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at

Learn about all the personalized stamp options that we can offer you here.

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