Photo-Etching Book - R. Freire and J. C. Ramos

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Do you want to know more about the use and applications of photopolymer solar plates? This publication sheds light on methodological and formal aspects of the use of polymer plates for photoetching.

Written by teachers and researchers Ramón Freire and Juan Carlos Ramos, this book is essential to deepen the understanding of the polymer plates and its intaglio plastic applications.

Spanish language
303 sheets

This book offers a transversal view of photo-engraving with polymer solar plates, while presenting exquisite technical depth. It analyzes in an exhaustive and scientific way formal aspects, contributing new knowledge in the creative processes. A benchmark for contemporary engravers and print masters who intend to delve into the practice with photopolymer plates.

The authors, in addition to being renowned researchers and teachers, had already made previous publications on the subject, such as photo-etching: Planchas de fotopolímeroo y positivos autográficos. With this book published by the UCLM, Ramón Freire and Juan Carlos Ramos, establish themselves as the greatest experts and connoisseurs of the polymer and its creative applications.

Together with the publication Fotografía y estampa. Del positivo analógico a la plancha de fotopolímero (Juan Carlos Ramos Guadix and Alicia Peláez), this book contains one of the most unfathomable investigations that have been carried out on photopolymer applied to graphic arts.



"The graphic act as construction. Autographic positive and photopolymer plate is a first-rate reference work for engravers, artists and art students.

This study, on the one hand, stands as a new contribution both at a plastic level and at a technical level, which allows an optimization of the photomechanical procedures of intaglio engraving. On the other, it stands as a revolutionary, innovative and sustainable alternative which contains exhaustively and in detail, all the technical-aesthetic possibilities that this procedure contains.

Starting from a critical and detailed analysis of European and American alternatives, the implementation of new photomechanical procedures is proposed, contemplating procedural, educational, artistic and professional aspects.

The methodological option that forms the backbone of this study is aimed at understanding this graphic phenomenon. And for this, historical aspects and technical derivatives of a meticulous investigative work are analyzed in a clear and decisive way".


The book by Ramón Freire and Juan Carlos Ramos Guadix has been published in Cuenca by Editions of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Caleidoscopio collection. No.16.

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